a while ago i posed on my bow having a crack. Well i thought it could of been humidity. i wanted to make my self feel better and get it out of mind. i did notice a small crack on the side.
well i was testing out my new spicebush arrow and on the thrid shot there was a catasrophic break. It just decided it was its time to go. Well this bow had a long, good life. I had many, many shots.
this was my best bow fast hard hitting, forgiving everything you could look for in a bow. the tiller on the top limb bend just a little too much at midlimb, no hinge but more than the other areas. the bottome limb was perfect and on a scale of 1-10 i would of given it all 7 but it decided it was time to go and it had a good long life. i thouroughly enjoyed it while it lasted.
i dont really know how i should feel. i am sort of in disbelief. well i have more of an excuse to get started on my osage bows

i think i will glue it and use it as a wall hanger. its too pretty to through away
in death there is always more life