"If they want the site to survive". They don't and it's been apparent for several years.
That's the conclusion I've been forced to. I've asked about this over and over. Whoever owns the site simply doesn't care. I see lots of ads on the site, so somebody is making money off this, but apparently it isn't enough to be worth their time. It's a shame. This is one of the few online forums that is still somewhat active. I sure would like to see it stay that way.
maybe a bit much to assume "they dont want the the site to survive"
perhaps something changed with site administration and the owners haven't found a cost effective solution in spite of some revenue from ads.
if it meets its end over something so simple and negligent
the http vs https warning will loose readership.
the "scary" warning is created by microsoft, apple or google on your device, and a bit overblown.
the more serious problem that might cause the site archive to be lost is, without good site administration, if something serious were to happen with the hosting company and/or proper backups are not kept by the owners, then if the site goes down, we may never see it back up.
perhaps we as a community should ask the owners "how can we help?"