You are absolutely correct about using it for a headshot on a turkey. I agree anywhere else may not do the trick. It may work for other small game birds. Funny thing, I do not hunt so this was just an experiment in seeing if I could actually make the arrowhead. It is basically 2 pieces of stainless plate steel, both slotted to fit each other. I heat treated each separately and while still hot I fit them together using Gap Filling (medium) Cyanoacrylate glue to seal the deal. I don't know the science behind the chemistry, but the combination of hot parts along with the glue effectively welded the two pieces together. I tried really hard to separate them but could not. The arrow shaft was then slotted to receive the point. The point was installed with artificial sinew and epoxy. It's not going anywhere. Including the backside of each prong, there are eight edges that can be sharpened. I single beveled these edges.