I could have wrapped the makeover up today but found a couple if faint fingerprints in the sideplate panel where I didn't wipe the excess finish off well enough and touched the gun so I put one more coat on that area.
One thing that people don't know about TC triggers is they are as rough as a wash board but the roughness is hidden under a coat of bluing. I found this in a couple of guns I reworked so now I polish the trigger bars and the sear make them silky smooth.
I checked the front trigger pull on a unpolished trigger set and it came out to 7.8#, Because I have a coat of finish drying on the gun I can't check the polished trigger pull until tomorrow but I suspect it will be less than the rough trigger.
A normal rough TC trigger with the bluing sanded off.

I polish triggers like I polish brass, 220, 400, emery cloth and a Dremel buffing wheel.

Both the front and the set bar polished.

I like to polish the lock sear where it contacts the trigger bars as well, here it is before I polished it.

And after a polishing;