When I drilled the hole for the hickory dowel some of the cracked wood broke out of the lock inlet, this was totally unnecessary wood but I didn't like the look so I glued in new wood and shaped like it came from the factory to improve the appearance.

The wood under the hooked breech was in bad shape and splintered out in hunks when I drilled for the dowel. I decided to fix the damage myself and not go see my gunsmith friend.

I dug out the cracked and splintered wood and cut a neat square mortise, I first filled the cracked area with superglue and let it soak in, next I sprinkled sawdust on the puddle of super glue and packed into the cutout tightly. I left enough room above the superglue and sawdust to inlet a nice piece of walnut to cover the mess the superglue and sawdust made. I put this piece of walnut in while the superglue and sawdust were still wet so it would bond with the sawdust and superglue.
I put in an oversized piece of wood and trimmed it down to match the existing barrel inlet.
Looks pretty good, I tried to dye the patch with leather dye to match the surrounding wood but my dye was too light.

I would imagine many of you are wondering why I am going to so much trouble on this project, the answer is just to see if I can take a mess of a stock and make it strong and dependable, plus I am out of other gun projects until my bear pistol barrel gets here.