Good to hear things seem to be moving in the right direction for your brother.
Been cool nights here but looks like the frost is over till fall. Long stretch of dry weather coming now. The guys will need to be laying pipe soon and running the pumps. They planted some sweet corn yesterday, maybe 2 acres, and its going to need to be irrigated to get a good even stand. I been spending most of my time in the orchards, pretty happy with how things are looking so far there, but its a long way to go yet. 1st plantings of tomatoes, peppers, cuks, and zuks are in the ground. Strawberries are starting to color up, but the deer have been pretty hard over them over the winter. Going to be lots of small berries this year and that makes for a hard sell but thats how things go.
Been keeping busy in my free time trying to process a bitter nut hickory into staves. Was not in my plans but have to take advantage of the moment. Nice straight stuff but has some bark pockets in the wood so going to get what i can from it and keep my fingers crossed.
Whelp coffee finished up, I best get out there.