Been following along best I can BJ. Just amazing to me how flat and vast things are out west. Looks like your melons are off to a good start in your garden. Had a bad storm come through the other night and drop a small amount of hail. A few marks on the fruit in the new orchard but think things will be fine. I did have to put something on that block, for fire blight, the next morning just to be safe. Beyond that apples had a lighter fruit set this year but should have great quality and size. So pretty good over all. Got my 30 lbs of blueberries in the freezer so should be good for the year with them. The guys been picking cuks, zuks, corn, blueberries and just strated with the peppers. Toms still 2 weeks out. only about 5 weeks for ginergold and the early honeycrisp in the orchards. My how time flies. So far so good. Smoke was bad here 2 weeks ago for a few days but have not seen any since.