Beautiful spot for sure, looks very peaceful. Our soy beans are looking really sad, they were planted early but for some reason seem way behind, not sure if it was to much rain early and then dry and hot but they don't look good at all and less than knee high, usually by now they would be waist high. Good thing for me I get paid by the acre and not bushels , not so good for my farmer though. 
Pappy it is a very peaceful spot even though M-25 runs through it. I would love to have you visit to.
I hope your farmers soybeans perk up. The prices are pretty pathetic already. Don’t need poor yields to.
Sometimes they don’t need to get very tall if they stay healthy to yield good. Usually the August weather is very important for soybeans around here. Right now pods are setting. When they start to fill out the weather determines the amount of pods that abort and the size of the beans in the pods. Just the size of the beans alone can have a huge effect on yield.
A wet spring and hot dry summer is usually a bad combination around here though. The heavy rains saturate the soil and rot the roots of our crops. The soil gets very hard and weak roots have a difficult time growing.
The cover crops we have been growing for many years now have really helped with those conditions. Our soil perks so much better. We have a good amount of earth worms. Also good drainage with tile.
There are a lot of really sick looking edible beans in the neighborhood. Ours look amazingly healthy yet. I really was expecting to have big drowned out areas like so many other fields, but I am cautiously optimistic now. Still a long way from in the combine bin.
PS hoping to sneak out to an elm Hall for part of a day. Hopefully see some of you