Tom Clum Sr has some videos on shoulder impingement.
Agree with PatB, in that a screwed up shoulder can be for life. I am 56 next month, and want to launch woodies well into my 80's.
Give the shoulder rest, like you said, 2-3 weeks. If it feels warm after shooting, warm as in warm-fifteen-minutes-later, that seems to me to be inflammation. Clum's videos have some good points; even though I shoot more open stance style, 24 25 + inch draw, I have really learned to pull with the back.
Presently, being able to shoot long term motivates my draw weight and arrow weight. Would love 60# draw weight, but like you, I always end up tillering to 45-48 or so. I finally wised up and decided that if I draw an elk tag for Arizona archery, I will up arrow weight and probably build a specific bow for that endeavor. For all other hunting, 45-50 seems powerful.
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