I am no expert, am experimenting to find better techniques, and think a lot of archers have different approaches to shoot their bow. This is how I release my bowstring. First, I tend to practice with a 35# bow. But, when I switch to a my 45 or 50# bow, I tend to hook the string and anchor my draw hand to my face. I use what I call a two-set release. When I get the sight picture I want, I loosen my grip and the string moves to the pads of my finger. They can slip off but I don't let the string go yet. When I am ready to release, I tell myself to pull my back muscle back, this is the signal where my hand relaxes and the string then pulls free. I have a video of my daughter using this technique and don't see her fingers open but the string throwing her hands free of the string. I've practiced shooting my 35# bow in my garage for form and the arrows shot this way goes deeper. I also believe that you can avoid anticipation and letting your hold creep forward and effecting your aim. I'm not saying in my mind, "shoot" or "let go". My mind and thought is on the target and my back muscle but habit is telling my fingers, "fall asleep". This is not to say that a clean finger release method will not work, it can. This is just the way I try to shoot.