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Horn bow???

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What's a siyah?


--- Quote from: chasonhayes on January 03, 2022, 04:43:33 pm ---What's a siyah?
[/quoteIt is a name that is used for the stiff non-bending part of the limb.
--- End quote ---

It’s been cold here!  Haven’t had chance to give this bow a real test yet but did manage to put a couple coats of epifanes spar finish on and it’s dry now.  I’m gonna redo the finish though I hate it.  Well I don’t hate it but I don’t like it either!  I’ve seen some nice sunburst type finish’s that I’d like to try on this one using feibings leather dye.  I took some measurements of the bow.  Ntn- 52.5”.  Ttt-53.5”.  Limbs at widest part 1.5” tapering starts about half way out to the tips which are 1/2” wide.  The brace height at mid limb is about 6.5”.   Siyahs approx 6.5” long x 1” wide x just over 3/16” thick at the tips.  I haven’t wrapped the splices yet as I’m wanting to redo the stain.  I did some more shooting and got a couple reading on my chrono before battery died.  Readings ranged from 168-174 FPS with a 360 grain arrow.  My best guess at this point is that I’m drawing to around 22-23” at the most.  If I figure roughly losing 2-3lbs per inch of draw reduction and the bow tillered out to approx 48lbs at 28” then I estimate I was shooting at a draw weight around 35-38lbs which isn’t bad I’d say.   I’m optimistic that once I get the stain done and siyahs wrapped and get out to full draw I’ll see some encouraging numbers.  Anyways. Here are some pics. 

Some more pics…

It's been below 0 F. here too.So much for global warming again in this area anyway.
Dean Torges method and style of a sunburst pattern has been a go to by many.Black/red/tan/yellow fadings to and fro.Starting with lightest color overall.Then the next darkest overall fading at stopping point.Then the next darkest fading overall at stopping point and so on.,60623.0.html
Should look very nice.
You don't want to change your mind then though....ha ha.It ought to make a stunning looking bow.
After getting those wraps on and shooting it in to your full draw of course.


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