Gotta admit that I'm severely guilty of trying really hard to get my bows to finish with some retained reflex, I just love the look of a bow that goes back to being reflexed after shooting it, as a matter of fact I got so obsessed that anything less than strait I would consider a failure.
But when I really look back at the facts, I realise that bows with some string follow ( now I'm talking moderate here) are extremely plesant to shoot and still do the job they are asked to do.
this bow for example, my 7th, is farely overbuilt and has some follow

This bow shoots beautyfully, and took 2 pigs in his hunting carrear, the first with a pass thru, the pig never heard anything, and walked away just to lay down in sigth to die.
the second one after a doubble loung shot never made it 30 yards.

the other example is from a little 56 1/2" bow with 2' of follow

2 years ago I was hunting with this bow, I took a shot at a fair sized pig, I was shooting from an elevated position, the shot was true but high, hit the strong neck muscle area above where the spine dips, the bow is in the mid/high 50's and I was shooting a 640gr arrow,...the arrow was sticking out just about the same ammount from both sides of the pig, I was extremely disappointed by the penetration, and never hunted this bow again.
...a couple of months ago I was hunting a 72# HILL bow shooting a 830gr arrow, I hit a pig in the same exact spot as I did in the previous story, I was even shooting from a bit of elevation, the pig was just about the same size to, and you know what ? the arrow was sticking out evenly on both sides of the pig.
this made me rethink about that, that little bow with string follow has plenty power in it after all.
I realised that stressing to much about retaining refex in my bows might be a bit pointless.