The deer are ridiculously brave this year. Probably someone in the community is hand feeding them...again!!!
Yesterday's practice session was attended by 3 bucks, 6 doe, and 4 fawn/yearlings. The big buck stinks so bad from wallowing in his own filth for the rut, that I generally smell him before I see him. Awfully brave of this herd considering the reasons why I'm shooting in the first place.
Anyway, the doe and yearlings were particularly curious about the arrows. I'd loose one and they'd come over to the target to investigate. I'd shoo them off and they'd be right back at it on the next shot. Sometimes I can get 2 shots off before getting the opportunity tell the little devil on my shoulder that neither Game and Fish or Animal Control will buy my excuse that the deer stuck it's head in to the flight path of my arrow.
I've been hoping the mountain lion I caught on my security camera a few days ago would thin the population. Will see if I can figure out how to post the video of him.