Now I have Credence's song going through my head..."doot, doot, doo, lookin' out my backdoor"
Well those ain't tambourines and elephants, but they will do. They will do nicely. Like you, Ed, I don't get these people that move out past the heart of downtown and then complain that the turkeys are in their azaleas again, or the deer are pooping on their wonderfully manicured lawn and their prize-winning designer something-doodle mutt is eating it and rolling in it! Knowing what you and I do about how the wild turkey was on the edge of extinction not that danged long ago, it is an honor and a privilege to have these hulking tweetie birds visit your yard!
I bet these birds know the sound of your voice and the cadence of your footfalls, and come running every time you fill the feeder. All the best neighbors know what time is best to visit for coffee in the morning!