Yes, Eric, I did a little feeling the thickness, and I think that's exactly what happened. I worked down the fades with a farrier's rasp, and it put just a tiny dip in that side. Dang, there are a lot of ways to screw this up, and I'm finding all of them.
OK, guys, please help me out here. It sounds like working it down to match the hinge would make the bow lighter than I want. I don't need another 45 lb. bow, so if that's what's going to happen I'll probably not bother finishing it. That would be a tremendous bummer, because for one thing I've put a huge amount of time into this thing, and for another this is the last really nice stave I have to work with.
So, What do I do with this thing?
--What would the consequences be if I just leave well enough alone and just leave that hingey spot? If it's a good shooting bow that just looses a little power or longevity because of the hinge, I can live with that. But I don't want it blowing up on me or losing so much power that it won't hunt.
--What do the rest of you think of Stuck's heat treat idea? I've seen people advise against that in other threads because the results are so unpredictable, but maybe this is a different case? I've already heat treated the belly, if that matters.
--Any other ideas besides chop it up for the smoker? With the holiday season coming up, I guess that isn't the absolute most tragic option.

But I'd sure like to save it if I can.
I sure appreciate the help, guys.