the bench and the back wall lines through the eye off a little but I think it is a pretty good tiller there.
You are probably pretty close for your desired bow weight.
I like to flex them a bit at a short draw for a bit, unstring for a few hours and recheck the next day to make sure its still looking balanced.
I then work it up to draw or an inch short if I'm doing a high stress design. If things look good I draw by hand and record with a phone or in a mirror for final tillering. Everyone holds a bow different so you can fine tune based on your draw style (+ or - tiller, etc). I had a bow look beautiful on the tree, but looked overstressed on the bottom limb with three under. Basing the final tiller off my draw a think is more practical.
You do want the tiller close on the tree for sure, and be sure there are no hinges etc.
With your stiff handle I could see it handling 25 " in the 45# range, but I'm not experienced with a maple board bow. Work up slow, I think it will be a nice bow at 22" goal.
Are you doing any backing, or simple self bow? I do like the grain of maple.