Happy Thanksgiving!
Been a while since I posted, but not seeing quite what I am looking for. I am finally getting back into bow building after a 2 year hiatus while I built a log cabin. So far I've been building long bows such as molly's, pyramids, afb. I have a friend that gifted me a nice piece of mulberry that is about 50" long. I have always wanted to make a short bow with some reflex in the tips. Thinking a sinew backed Ishi or a mondoc/yana. My goal is for a short ambush bow for under 15 yards in heavy cover for whitetail ( and what ever else comes in range

). I have been using a secondary pinch so I'm ok with string angle. I am 6'3" and usually draw self bows with the pinch grip 27-28". I would like a short draw bow though with this. I would like to draw in the 22-24" range.
So my question is how short can this style bow go realistically and be durable for hunting? I would be comfortable with my past experiences of a ntn length of 46" with a light sinew backing. I have seen examples on the forum though of 40" bows pulling 28"! Is this the exception to the rule, or is the heavier sinew these bows typically have allowing this?
If there is a good book, or a post I missed please reference it for me. I'm used to the safe rule of thumb of double draw length for a bendy handle, but these bows are definitely not following the rule. How much can you cheat on the rule with the sinew? I have books that talk about the bows and give some dimensions including TBBB but not really a formula for draw length to bow length with sinew.
For the people that hunt these bows, what sort of length do you recommend for accuracy? 10 yards and under on the ground is the plan, but will say 15 yards max. I was thinking to try a 42" NTN. Would 38" be hunt able still though? Thinking weight of around 55#.
Appreciate the help.