Author Topic: Got a lot to learn  (Read 2876 times)

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Offline Tradslinger

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Got a lot to learn
« on: November 25, 2021, 02:23:30 pm »
Been trying to knap but it has been quite the challenge. have tried some on a piece of commode and on some glass. The glass sure makes for a bad mess of slivers. I totally struggle trying to use my hands to hold the piece and I need to make a better flaker for my jig that I made. I have done the best with the jig so far. And yes, broke the only piece that had any hope of looking remotely like a head. I haven't got the copper nails to work with or the plastic handles/rods to make them with. I have just made some out of materials that I had on hand. the wife comes and looks at the blood that seems to be on everything and says that I am nuts LOL. I have to be careful with the pressure flaker because of the pressure that you have to use, I can feel it some in my eye with the 30 something stitches in it. So I need to make a longer flaker for better leverage with the jig. I am using my magnifying lens with the 8" circle light to see what I am doing. You guys on You Tube make it look so easy. I want to make an indirect percussion that doesn't have to go under your leg to work with a jig if possible. Jerry

Offline bjrogg

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Re: Got a lot to learn
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2021, 09:52:17 am »
Yup been there.

I find flint knapping to be one of the most humbling things I’ve ever learned to do.

So simple a caveman can do it.


PS wife still thinks I’m nuts
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Offline paulc

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Re: Got a lot to learn
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2021, 03:20:55 pm »
I have loads of good glass if you want some.  It is a challenge but I find it is less a bummer than real stone when what I am working on fails.

Pm me if you do.  Paul

Offline Tradslinger

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Re: Got a lot to learn
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2021, 06:45:43 pm »
I have loads of good glass if you want some.  It is a challenge but I find it is less a bummer than real stone when what I am working on fails.

Pm me if you do.  Paul
Thank you Paul but I have access to plenty of the glass. It seems to be a little more messy than I like with the countless slivers of glass. I will still try to make it work but maybe with a tarp under me to catch them. and yes, not as much of a bummer to break the glass. of course this is nothing new, everyone has to go thru this. I just have a few challenges that I have to work thru. Jerry


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Re: Got a lot to learn
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2021, 10:09:33 am »
you shouldn't need a jig.. as for pressure flaking by hand have to tried the built up pad. called a callahan pad sometimes.. has a notch in center for flake removal.. to me much easier than a jig and much quicker to master ... gut

Offline JackCrafty

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Re: Got a lot to learn
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2021, 12:03:26 am »
For an alternate way to hold the ishi stick (rather than behind your knee) do a YouTube search for "Jack Crafty Kelly Strap".
Any critter tastes good with enough butter on it.

Patrick Blank
Bellows Falls, Vermont
Youtube: JackCrafty, Allergic Hobbit

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Re: Got a lot to learn
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2022, 07:48:20 am »
I messed around with rock I found until early 2021.  I was not able to make a point until I bought copper tools and watched the Jack Crafty Kelly Strap video AND bought some rock in early 2021.  I have made about 50 points in a year.  Not pretty like what I see made on YouTube but equal or better than the “field finds” points I have.

I have chicken legs and the percussion flaker hits the floor on the first strike if not “Kelly strapped” with a belt.

My wife was putting some of my points in the kitchen window sill and I was busting with pride until I bought a few points from “Jack Crafty”.  My wife said, “I did not know they were supposed to be that thin or symmetrical”.  Ego buster.


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Re: Got a lot to learn
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2022, 11:03:34 am »
Patrick makes it look soooo easy... well it is.. after a very long time.. lol.. I still am working on indirect.. but make pretty dang good heads and knives with hand pressure and percussion.. gut