Certain glues like urac and resorcinol have a long track record of working with heat bending.
I've never tried it with EA-40, so I don't know. I would think it to be a high risk situation, unless someone else chimes in with actual experience.
I have used heat guns to release joinery glued up with hardware store epoxy. Its a lot of work but you can get the joint to release.
Bamboo rod builders sometimes use heat to tweek the straightness of a rod blank. I read it works with Urac and resorcinol, but the author said the epoxy has memory and goes back to the original position after it cools down.
You're not going to really know until you try it. If you do just be prepared you will be risking all your previous work and materials invested.
Personally I wouldn't touch it, if its already an OK bow. If you want a bamboo backed bow with recurves, make another one and glue them in from the get go.