Those radishes look very healthy Eric. I don’t know that variety. Looks like a lot of eating there though.
Around here we plant them as a cover crop. We only use specific ones though. We use what we call a trap verities. We use them to lower population of sugar beet cyst nematodes. The female cyst are tricked into thinking that the radish is a good host for them. They populate the radish but then the radish doesn’t support them and “traps” them. When used properly they can greatly reduce the population. There are only a few trap varieties. Many other non beet growing areas use tillage varieties. These can grow faster and deeper but actually are a host for the cyst. Actually increasing the population.
We finished harvesting our beets two days ago. Amazing yield. Unfortunately the sugar content is low. It’s going to be one of those sweet but sad stories.
We are leaving 5% of our crop unharvested. We are also try to “buy” another 7,500 acres to remain unharvested. We are estimating a 5.9 million ton crop. The most we have ever been able to process has been 5 million tons. That leaves .9 million tons that will probably have to be destroyed.
We personally dug 2,476 more tons this year than last from 19.2 less acres.
However last year we produced approximately 300,000 more lbs of sugar from those beets because they had a high sugar content. Even though their where 2.476 less tons of beets.
By the time we get nothing but expense from 19 acres and have to pay others not to harvest another 7,500 acres. Produce less sugar and probably have to haul even more rotten beets back to the field next spring. Well I’m think our bumper crop isn’t going to make us rich. Hopefully it pays the bills. One of which is a huge trucking cost.
Sometimes it seems like you just can’t win.
Oh well we are still enjoying watermelon. Picked the last of them a couple weeks ago. Man they sure are sweet and juicy. Gonna plant some again next year