I have been working away at my hopefully second completed bow. The first one I got a lot of in-person tillering support from some experienced bowyers at a primitive skill share gathering. And so, I could use some experienced eyes on this one now too.
Part of what is tricky for me is seeing different things from different sides of the bow...
Here's the bow unbraced. You can see the left side (the side with out some visible knot bumps) is taking a bit more set than the limb on the right.
unbraced1 by
Ryder Coen, on Flickr
unbraced2 by
Ryder Coen, on Flickr
Here's a photo of the bow braced and drawn from the same side. (so the limb that showed some set is on the left, and the limb with some visible knot bumps is on the right.
bracedside1 by
Ryder Coen, on Flickr
drawnside1 by
Ryder Coen, on Flickr
But then, here's a photo of the bow braced and drawn flipped around. (so the limb with the visible knots is now on the left, and the limb that showed a bit more set in the first images, is now on the right.
bracedside2 by
Ryder Coen, on Flickr
drawnside2 by
Ryder Coen, on Flickr
Support would be greatly appreciated!