Once you get one in trap for the morning it almost makes you immune to the next or next the same day. Today its 75 degrees this morning. This is the kind of day if you have fox, coyote set of a certain type that they would fill up with skunk. Only thing I have ever seen kill and eat skunk in trap were Great Horned Owl and or Eagle. Sure tell sign? Head is busted and brain is ate out and that's all.
We have tons of otter here. Otter make nice tanned goodies. They a bear to hold in foot trap but easier than a trap smart beaver to get in a conibear type, Otter has thick hide, thick short fur and the guard hairs do not stick much past inner fur. Makes em fast in the water.
Gas is so high now which makes trapping virtually impossible and this SE fur is plum worthless on market. Good for yourself but sourthern coon bobcat coyote is not worth a nickel. They way the GVT keeps the rivers here with Hydo on them, they go up and down so much all the back water goes dry in summer from making power. That's where all the muskrats and beaver live so there are none. Very few swamps left here in my area. There are some here and there but you could clean em out in a week or two and they would be dead for years. The rivers go all way from east to west across the state on Tenn. So, imagine how much back water is gone to generate power. All of it really. That's killed water body fur bearers here and its never coming back.