I made this bow from a hickory stave. It started out at 70" ttt. After about 2 weeks shooting this bow every day and what I figure was around 1500+ arrows ( was targeting 100 arrows a day, but some days went over 300, I just loved shooting it), I strung the bow to shoot and to my great disappointment, the bow had lost the nice tiller and had a huge negative tiller. Have you ever been mad at a bow? Is scolding and swearing at a bow out loud a sign of insanity? I hope not.
But not to give up, I retillered and piked the bow to 67″ to gain back the 50#. After all, every bow needs to teach us something, right??
It seems the extra love has paid off, It hasn't lost any of the speed or accuracy and after 6 weeks it's settled in at a tad over 49#@28". It will be chasing whitetail with me in less than a week. I have to admit making these bows has made my bow season anticipation greater than it has been in quit sometime.
I added a little green dye this time to the camo pattern. It's not the prettiest girl at the dance, but I have a friend who's always said he'd give up a little looks for the right attitude. I like this bows attitude.
It was my first self bow shooting above average. I've managed a few others since, but the first is always the sweetest. My hunting arrows are 670gr and they're shooting 151-154fps. I just chrono'ed them again this morning. I really don't know why it took me so long to come back to this hobby, but I'm glad it did.
She's got a antler arrow shelf and steer horn tip overlays. A leather handle with some imprints from some leather tools I made.