Main Discussion Area > English Warbow

90ish @ 31 yew taxis baccata


Ruddy Darter:
I'm working on a yew taxis baccata, approx 90ish at 31 at present and 78&1/2" nock to nock,. It has 1&1/2" natural deflex ( mainly centrally but throughout he length) and  2" when drawing but returns after rest. It's got a knot top limb 6" down from the nock so it's a little stiff there. Just tweaking with a heat gun bottom outer limb for better string alignment, while that's going on I thought I'd ask opinions on how it's going. Here's a couple of vids,


Both tips look excessively stiff to me Daz, especially if the natural deflex is central.

Personally I'd get them bending a lot more, to save on handshock and loss of performance early in the bow's life. 

Ruddy Darter:
Thanks WillS,
Yes,  I have to agree and pretty much expected to read this . I've been aiming to do that for the last couple of visits, that central deflex caught me out early, with 120 dimensions on to begin with it still just really wanted to bend there, without that deflex I reckon I would of had a lot more to play with at the start.. Still hopefully get some kind of  70- 80ish lbs lighter bow for some winter target shoots, but I'll give up chasing a warbow weight and aim more for something decent I can pass on to someone at the club. I'll post how it turns out.
All the best,

Del the cat:
2nd video shows as private.
From first vid' it looks like outer 1/3 of each limb is a tad stiff, but without an unstrung pic of the stave it's hard to be certain.

Ruddy Darter:

Just to add, bow final vids approx 80lbs @31". I'll work on it a bit,  I feel I need to get the outer limbs moving some more, maybe pike it too to keep the weight. )


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