So much to love about your videos bud! You have the bow of course, then your tillering skills with the drawknife, very daring but you pull it off(I would not be so brave). Then you have the humor. Chainsaw noise had me laughing

. I don't know if humor was intended but I appreciated the use of your target, the hale bales. They look like giant versions of traditional targets.
Back to the bow. I have always found this style of bow interesting, since first seeing it in Das Bogenbauer Buch. It looks cool, but has so many features on it that would make it a bad design, like the extra weight above the nocks, long double section handle area, that reduces bendable length, and a high and sharply peaked belly. Despite all these features I still find it a lovely and intriguing design. It seems the double midsection handle was rediscovered in the 20th C, with some of the 1930's flatbow designs in America. I haven't heard of any references to the Oberflacht bow when they brought the usage back.
My only question was why you didn't even up the deflex over a form with dry heat? Nevertheless you did a fine job.
Oh yeah, please don't tell my mum.