Actually it is a recessive gene, that awakes in some, and not in others. Only because the others, have been programed not to. My whole family has always been woods oriented, hunting, and fishing was just what we did. When I was a kid, we went fishing, and hunting, as just a routine part of life. But it was a routine that was always looked to as a getaway. My Dad used to say, that the woods, would heal him. He would be sick, and go down to our cabin in the Big Cypress, and by the next day, you never know he was sick at all. I still say, you just can't beat a plain ol cane pole, and a can of worms, and a stringer of blue gills, or sunfish, stumpknockers, warmouth perch, etc., to just be relaxed to the max. Even if you don't catch anything. I love to ocean fish, but I am most at ease with the simple cane pole and can of worms. I love the swamps, and marshes, and I will miss them when I move to Montana next year, But I also feel at home in the mountains, and woods out there also. But it just feels right, like you guys said.
I guess you could say it is a tribal thing, when you are with other people who share the same love of the outdoors as you do. But I grew up with Family, and relatives who hunted and fished, all their lives, so I had no choice, not that I would have resisted. When I was a kid, I would take my bow and arrows, and get up early in the morning, and go hunting, and had no intention of killing anything, as there wasn't anything, but rabbits, unless I was to come up on a covey of quail, or some medowlarks,which by the way, are tasty. But it was just relaxing, to have that bow and arrows with me. Felt right. The rabbits down here are full of tape worms, and wolves. I have only eaten a few of the rabbits down here. That was when I was just a young boy. But yeah, it does feel right, when I am sitting down, and trying to knapp something, even when I ruin a nice point, and fling out a string of obscenities, and then calm down, and go back to another piece of rock. Any way, I have never sat down and stared at plant, or..... flashlight......

But I guess I could try and see what happens, but I will be sure to have a roll of paper near by, in case I get cramps......

Anyway, I do believe we all have a recessive gene, but some of us have just had the right stimulus to bring it out, like a family that hunts, and fishes, or finding that first arrow head, or watching someone make one, etc.
