Plant identification by gastro- intestinal osmosis?

Ya'll are somethin' else.
I can identify with what Steve was sayin about the feeling ya get when doin things that bring fullness and fulilment to our lives. When something is right its just right. I certainly enjoy making my life more simple and exploring the ways our fathers did things. The whole "stare at a plant 'til gas makes yer tummy cramp" thing is pretty wacky.
Sorry, Jamie. Next time just take the book with ya and save yourself some time staring at a plant that may or may not kill ya if ya eat it. Wonder how many deer snuck up on you and sniffed your butt while you were staring at that plant.
Sorry couldn't help myself.

I agree with Justin as well,( wow ) work and I mean physical work is important to a persons well being. I certainly get my fair share.