Well, I have worked on 4 bow staves, all from the same HHB tree. The tree had appeared to be nice and very old with really tight rings but it seems to have come back to haunt me. I can hardly make any heat adjustments on it that will take and it has twists and twirls and knots in every stave. I certainly have learned a lot from it but I have gotten a little frustrated from all my thwarted attempts due to twists, knots, and whoop-dee-doos. Has anyone else ever gotten to the point where you think, "Time to get something nice". I had wanted a hunting bow for this season but I am no longer sure about the selfbow I made, I'm guessing it shoots a 680g arrow at 140 fps and it is still heavy to pull back. Maybe next spring I'll go out hunting for some more staves and will dry them in a form? Anyway, I was feeling frustrated and no one else I know actually makes bows so thought I would share my thoughts! I am grateful for everyone's thoughts from this forum!