Basic Information:
I have just built a hazelnut bow that is ~70# @ 26", 58" ntn. It has zero handshock, shoots exactly where I point it, and it retains reflex just a few hours after I'm done shooting. Putting it bluntly, it's a perfect hunting bow if you ask me and I really don't want to mess with it.
When I measure for tiller when braced, the upper limb tiller is ~1/16" of an inch less than the lower limb tiller. Both of these measurements take place 3" above the shelf and 3" below the handle. This may not be that big of a deal since I only shoot with two finger; one above & one below.
1. Should I even care about the tiller dimension differences?
2. Does it even matter that the tiller is about equal?
3. I have always "shot" for a weaker upper limb so that it measures ~1/8" more than the lower limb. Is this even right?
Thanks in advance and I know most of you will ask for a full draw pic...I may post one tonight but I'm trying like heck to "feel" the bow rather than critique a bow by what a picture says. That bit me in the butt last time.

Update: OK I shot this bow about 50x tonight and it's still shooting great! However I can easily see the stiff upper limb and how much harder the lower limb is working. I placed a dark red line where I think I should scrape the upper limb to make for a more balanced tiller. Does everyone agree? Any input is appreciated! Thanks! Joe Ps. As of right now this is ~63# @ 26".
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