Here are some primative fishing lures that I have made recently.
The large wooden hook on the left of the group photo is steam bent yew, bone barb, and cherry bark binding. These are used for Ling Cod.
The stone hook on the right is ground slate, bone barb, cherry bark binding covered in pine pitch and charcoal. These are baited and trolled for salmon.
The other hooks are either made of elk, deer, (cannon bones) or deer toe bones.
The tube flies are wrapped on wild turkey wing bones (ulna?). I used the smallest wing bone of the three.
The feathers are wood duck, green wing teal, and mallard. The fur is black-tail dear tail.
The small beads are made from bone or dyed wood. The larger red beads are some sort of nut.
All of the smaller flies are bound with Agave fibers and sealed with a pitch/charcoal mixture.
The line used is temporary (artificial sinew). It will be replaces with authentic leader material.
I hope you enjoy.