Hi Dave,
Great looking bows, nice work!
Thanks very much for the information, I appreciate it. Don’t worry too much about the timing of your replies as I’m in the UK

I have roughed out the siyahs and handle pieces out of the hard maple. Fortunately the dimensions I used were decided upon looking at your original pictures, and they seem pretty close to what you have mentioned above, even the siyah angle. I went with 26 inch limbs for slightly less stress on them (as I’m out of bow making practice!), and I don’t yet know how good the bamboo pieces that I have will be. I have rigged up the bamboo pieces in the same way you did, with G-clamps, and used a heat gun to set them into a little reflex. I don’t have any way of baking them in that shape as you mentioned, but they are currently still clamped up, resting on top of my wife’s glass fusing kiln as it runs through a cycle. The outside lid of the kiln gets pretty darn hot, but not enough to set anything on fire, plus its a good long heating and cooling cycle (18 hours), so hopefully that will drive off much/most of any moisture they still contain.
My next step will be to glue up the limbs to the handle. I will be keeping my fingers crossed as this is the first bow I’ve made with siyahs, and hence so many glue joints. I will do the gluing for the siyahs when the limb/handle joints are set. In that way I can play about with the siyah alignment more easily, as there will be fewer variables in play.
I will post when Ive done the gluing and whipping of the joints…….
Thanks again, Bob.