Happy Friday everyone! I am showing off my latest build, a 5 laminate bamboo ASL hill style longbow. This is my first attempt at an all bamboo bow and it turned out alright. The full draw is a little soft in the outers but I will change that in my next one. Here are the specs;
-66" ntn, 51@ 28
-limb is comprised of 5 pieces of heat treated, tapered bamboo. The riser is black walnut
-max limb width 1-3/16, tapered to just under 1/2" nocks. symmetrical length limbs with equal tiller for 3 under release.
-genuine wild boar leather grip/strike plate from a hog I shot
-padded loop X99 string
-automotive gloss clear coat finish
-holds 1" of rested reflex and has very slight string follow after shooting.
Speed was 154 fps at 10 gpp. The weak outers killed the speed on this bow, I know this design has the potential for mid-high 160's.
An all bamboo bow is an interesting bow compared to the osage and hickory bellied ASL bows I have built in the past. The all bamboo limb is lighter and softer to shoot than either osage or hickory. I do think that bamboo takes a little more set though compared to the other two woods mentioned. But the all bamboo limb is extremely resilient and quickly returns to its rested position compared to a wood limb.
All in all it was a good first attempt for an all bamboo bow, it certainly wont be the last one I build. The bow is gentle and quiet and a true pleasure to shoot.
