I've been playing around with draw weights, arrow speeds etc. For the last couple days I will take a bow and check the draw weight. Then shoot 12 arrows through. The arrows are around 640gr. Each shot is through the chronograph and the hi, low and Ave recorded. I then check the draw weight again, shoot the 12 arrows, check the weight.
Each set I loose a little draw weight. The first time might be right around a pound. Maybe a little less for lighter bows. Each set looses a little less each time. After about 4 or 5 sets the weight loss stops. Cast drops slightly as would be expected. Total loss is never 4#, can come close for a 55# bow, and may only be a pound or 2 on a 40# bow. My osage board bow actually gained 4# the first time before going into the loss routine.
The next day I start over, all weight has been regained and a very similar routine starts. The end weight is close to yesterdays end weight but usually not the same (although this could be inconsistencies in weighing and my scale)
I've searched but could not find any references as to the draw weight going down, so if it normal that seems odd I couldn't find anyone noting it or asking, if it's not normal how did I manage it on absolutely every bow I've made.
Edit to add images:

Day 2

Day 3 added