HT - if more guys your age did this, we'd have a lot less problems! ,
-Get an edible wild plant book and concentrate on the safer easier to ID species like cattail, greenbrier, mayapple fruits WITHOUT seeds or other parts of the plant, ect.- once you collect and use them, they'll be part of your wilderness Kung fu forever.
-I second not trusting chlorine - Giardia got me on a wilderness adventure down by Latrobe - we spent a few days drinking that famous limestone "RR" water without boiling or using tabs for purification

19 year old "Mr. Woodsman" (me) insisted chlorine was fine. My buddy still brings it up and hassles me 20 yrs later....

-Maybe take some peanut butter and victor traps for squirrells?
-If a snake gets ya DON'T tourniquet it!
Good luck, more than a few on this board envy you for being able to do this!