This was a different time, we were tough little urchins from the hills of East Tennessee, even when we were trapped by a blizzard out in the wilderness for a week, none of our parents gave it a second thought or called in the rescue squad, they knew we could handle it. There were NO helicopter parents back then that orchestrated their kids every move.
After about week someone drove a tractor through the snow pulling a huge sled to "rescue" us, they found us warm, well fed and dry, we had enough firewood to last a month, it was a grand adventure. We had one kid with the flue who they took back home, they left the rest of to continue our adventure.
The Boy Scout Oath was our mantra, no girls in the scouts, no political correctness, no revisionist history, no political indoctrination. All that was expected of us was to be boys headed in the direction of being honest responsible men who loved our country, something that we all achieved.