Author Topic: Flint Ridge pickup  (Read 3960 times)

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Offline Gimlis Ghost

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Re: Flint Ridge pickup
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2021, 08:00:05 pm »

I would post a photo but for ME it is easier to get a root canal than post a photo,lol

Same here. Every time I try to download the software to upload images from my cameras I get a total meltdown. Happened this weekend in fact and I lost every single file on this PC.
Just as well really I'd been planning to clean house here anyway.

I looked up pink quartz arrowheads and found that jewelry suppliers sell modern made heads by the dozens for constructing necklaces and such, prices are very reasonable. If I find a source of these that are big enough to use as small game points I may obtain a few. I'm figuring on an Indian style short bow for my next project, something short and handy with a fairly light pull as a rabbit killer. Should be especially suited for backyard or even indoor target practice.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2021, 01:06:09 am by Gimlis Ghost »