Cool....Whatever works to your liking.Nice pistol holder.Good use of material for your quiver too.I've never gotten into blacksmithing and forging though,but do have and appreciate my buckskinning friends that are artists of their craft.There is a thread on the PA for forging too.
I guess my book is in my head Don.I let my reputation speak for itself.I please myself for my buckskinning/coon hunting/and now bow making carrers.I do give things that I make a thorough testing for handiness and duability.All I need is an idea or inspiration and most times I can get it to work.
I feel anyone can pursue these things for themslves too.It just takes a desire to do so.
I've made long gun cases and pistol holders out of leather long ago too and now many quivers and other archery related items.Others on here Like Pat has shown some terrific pistol holders he's made.
Many other things out of leather I've not shown for my coon hunting.No sense in paying a high price for stuff you can make yourself very cheaply and most times more durable.Multiple things out of rawhide and tanning and making things out of fur too.
Garment leather out of brain tan and making it which is what this thread is about makes a person appreciate the fine art of what seamstress's know for sewing their seams correctly.I keep many different type needles thread and even a heavy duty singer sewing machine to serve my purpose.Beading needles of different sizes/beads of all sizes for special beadworking projects too.
It's good to get to know like minded people on the same path that are do it your selfers.