Can someone tell me how much more a recurved tip would be stressed at full draw, compared to a straight tip?
Steaming or boiling wood weakens it a bit plus the limb is stressed more with recurves then there's the angle of the string focusing more stress on the recurve
Thanks. That's the kind of answer I like, instead of a math or physics formula I have no way of following. But I would accept such formula if the provider has enough credentials. I still prefer to have the "ordinary language interpretation" of such a formula. And that should be comprehensible to average people. Thanks in advance.
It is intuitive for the limb to be more stressed by a recurved tip. However it is not that intuitive for me how the recurved tip itself is more stress than the straight tip. Am I having a senile moment?
I would think that the stress would be equal (within reason) to the length of move, but I have found my reason doesn't always apply.
In other words, if a recurve moves 4", it would be the same stress as if the straight limb moved 4". But since a recurve changes the angle of the string, it changes the leverage, so I would think it travels less. If it's a stiff tip, the travel would less for that section.