Author Topic: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile  (Read 3163 times)

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Offline RyanY

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Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« on: July 01, 2021, 07:34:44 pm »
You know it's a juicy thread when it splits off into other threads. Right my friends?  (lol) (-P Anyways...

In the last couple days I have been trying to think of a way to explain why tiller shape should correlate with the width profile of a bow. In this post I will explain why this is focusing primarily on mass movement in a bow limb. I will admit that I make some assumptions here that I don't have the knowledge of physics, engineering, or mathematics to prove on my own. The biggest one being that my initial assumptions about mass movement and efficiency are correct. What I have come up with feels intuitive and straight forward enough that hopefully it is close to what actual tests/calculations would come up with.

Of course I could be way off and have missed some obvious errors. Please let me know what I messed up or got wrong! This is for straight limb designs and I have not explored other designs such as recurves, r/d, etc.


In the direction from fade to tip, the distance the limb has to travel at any point along the limb increases (tip moves more than mid limb, moves more than fade)

Because the distance of limb travel increases in this direction, the effect of mass on the speed of limb return increases in the same direction. (more mass at the tips has the greatest effect).

For pure efficiency of mass movement based solely on tiller shape, the width taper approximates the tiller shape and vice versa. The corresponding limb with taper based on tiller shape can be calculated as follows.

Taper from starting width = (limb movement/tip movement) x fade width (does not account for tip width. May assume a taper to a point at the tip and leave the last couple inches wide enough for a string nock.)

Taper from starting width = fade with - limb with at that point

Limb movement and tip movement are measured as the length of the arc that any point along the limb has to travel.

Example: Limb movement at mid limb is 5.9" and tip movement is 22.5". Fade width is 2". 5.9/22.5 x 2 = 0.52". Therefore the width at mid limb should be 1.48" wide

So now that we can get the width from the tip movement we can do the reverse, finding the optimal tiller shape for mass movement as follows.

Limb movement = (width taper/fade width) x tip movement.

Example: You have pulled your bow to 15" draw. You measure tip movement at 7.5", your width at the fades is 1.5" and the width at mid limb is 1.25" giving a 0.25" taper at mid limb.  0.25"/1.5" x 7.5" = 1.25" of limb movement at mid limb.

You would calculate this for several points along the limb, measure the distance of limb travel at those points, and then tiller to get to the desired shape.

You might figure out that these equations would not work for parallel limb tapers because the taper from starting width would be 0. Because I am basing this solely on mass movement it becomes apparent that parallel width tapers in limbs are inherently inefficient as the constant width does not correlate with changes in movement along the limb.

Stiff outer limbs also do not work with the equations as the abrupt width change that more quickly approaches tip width would assume more movement in that spot. In this case we need to use other tillering logic to account for that shape.

If we take a typical mollegabet tiller profile of half working inner limb and half stiff outer limb and use the first equation to get limb width from the tiller shape, the stiff outer limb will result in a straight taper to the tip. We know that because this is a stiff and nonbending section, this portion of the limb can be as narrow as possible given that it does not have to bend to store energy for the bow. The inner limb could follow the previous taper equation but width should be enough for desired energy storage and low set.

Another finding was that perfectly circular tiller results in great than linear (exponential?) increases in limb movement from fade to tip. The resultant width taper for most efficient mass movement would be a bulging convex curve and not a straight taper from fade to tip. Interestingly this somewhat correlates with the width profile needed for uniform stress and perfectly circular tiller as explained by David Dewey.  I cannot assume that these curves would be to the same degree.

In order to get uniform stress and that perfect circular tiller the sides of the pyramid must bulge out a bit. The bow can and should taper as though aiming to get zero width at the nock, but then deviate from this shape and stay at a reasonable width for the last few inches prior to the nock.

In order to get circle of arc tiller, and uniform thickness, the width of the bow must be proportional to the distance from the location on the bow arm to the string at full draw. (This assumes a rectangular cross section bow arm pyramid bow.) This is called Hickmann corrected in archery the technical side. If you know the length of bow, and stiff handle you want, you can draw this out to scale on paper, and measure the distances fairly easily. Then use these widths when you lay out the bow. The maximum width of the bow should not make any difference to the need for a convex bulge to the sides, except that the width effects the draw weight.

Picture included below

Decreasing the width of the bow at any given point will make the bow more efficient for mass movement but could result in set so the width always needs to be wide enough to do the work being asked of it without taking set or taking minimal set.

Radius of the bend limits the thickness that the limb can be without taking set. For example, tiller in the shape of a circular arc can have the same thickness through out it’s length. An elliptical tiller shape with gradually decreasing (tighter) radius of bend will require a taper in thickness along it’s length. Rigid outer limbs should be as narrow as laterally stable and thick enough to remain stiff as thickness is not limited if the limb doesn’t bend.

Speaking of thickness, this dimension takes up mass too. For the sake of consistency I understand that my initial assertions do not account for a thickness taper, focusing solely on width.

I have more thoughts regarding things like paddle bow shapes and strain on the portions of the limbs but it is not quite as fleshed out. I also believe that these with and tiller tapers would result in the necessary mass for low set tillering but I haven't been able to connect this yet.

Thoughts anyone?  :o :fp (--)

« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 12:51:33 pm by RyanY »

Offline Don W

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2021, 09:01:19 pm »
I suddenly want to buy some fiberglass  strips!

Offline willie

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2021, 11:05:38 pm »
If you know the length of bow, and stiff handle you want, you can draw this out to scale on paper, and measure the distances fairly easily. Then use these widths when you lay out the bow.

I agree, this is a classical example of the graphical solution. Before computers and calculators, for instance in the days of Hickman, computational methods often involved many sheets of paper and much pencil sharpening.  Engineers and draftsmen could otherwise scale from accurately drawn lines and determine forces. For a bow, full size drawings are feasible, for something larger, values could be read from reduced scale drawings. Scaling works where forces are directly proportional to dimensions, (double the width, double the draw weight). For exponential relationships, values scaled from a drawing could be plotted on paper with a logarithmic scale, similar to making a force draw curve.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 12:28:59 am by willie »


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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2021, 11:28:13 pm »
Could you repeat that?
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Offline RyanY

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2021, 11:57:02 pm »
Willie, I made some sloppy drawings to get started but simply don’t have the drafting expertise to make them as accurate as I want. My wife is an engineer and keeps telling me I need to learn how to use CAD. That quote is from David Dewey for those unfamiliar. I want to make sure he continues to receive credit even though he hasn’t been as active in the community lately.

Ok…. I know that was a lot. In the simplest terms, the tiller shape measured as the distance the limb travels should be exactly proportional to the width taper of the bow limb. This assumes that the widest portion of the limb is at the fade and there is some type of convex taper. Parallel limbs are inefficient under the focus of only mass movement and don’t fit into this model cleanly. Aggressive tapers such as Mollegabet style tips or Eiffel Tower shaped outer limbs also don’t fit but not because of efficiency. This model should be used with some basic tillering efficiency logic to make sense.

Offline Don W

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2021, 08:45:06 am »
Here is the part of now design I think should be easier for a beginner who just wants to build a good efficient bow for a specific purpose.

Let's say I would like to make a good efficient hunting bow. You really only need to design one bow and anyone can build that bow with the dimensions. So a good (even old school) bowyer could use a set a calipers and publish what a good efficient bow is for a specific kind of wood. Wood will vary so final tillering or small dimension changes will get the exact poundage.

Architects and engineers have software because buildings are different, but even they have a list of "standard" products.

Is that not a viable theory?

Offline RyanY

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2021, 09:25:28 am »
Don, I do that all the time. It’s very easy to suggest an efficient design thats good enough. That is a different discussion. The people interested in this discussion want to understand how to come as close to perfection as possible. I’m not saying that this hypothesis is perfect but that we’re trying to get there somehow. If you want perfection then you need to get out the calipers. If you want good enough then just make whatever bow and don’t stress it so much that it takes set or stacks. There is a contradiction where people are asking how to make very efficient bows but are wanting to distill the mechanics of complex concepts. It will never be exact because as you said, wood varies drastically across species and even between specimens within a species.

Maybe this is what you want:

Baseline design is a bow 66” ntn, 2” wide to mid limb, tapering to 1/2” nocks. 8” handle and fades, somewhat elliptical tiller shape. This bow pulls the density of the wood (SG) in pounds, i.e. 0.50SG = 50#@28”.
To make this same design lighter you can make it proportionally thicker. 1” wide would yield 25#. 3” wide would be 75#.
If you want this bow to be shorter it needs to be a bit wider for the same draw weight and draw length.
If longer it can be narrower. Making it a bend through the handle bow effectively makes it longer allowing it to be narrower.
If going for a shorter draw length the bow can be narrower.
If going for a longer draw length will need to be wider.

Anything more specific than that would need calculations I think. If you ask what the elliptical tiller shape should be then asking for that level of detail again becomes a contradiction to wanting a simple formula for beginners.

Offline Don W

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2021, 10:51:06 am »
I've been using calipers since I restarted building bows. I used calipers on every bow I've built in the last year and a half.

I don't think we're understanding each other. In my thinking, efficient and "good enough" are two different bows. When I write "efficient" it means it can't get any better for that piece of wood.

I think there "can" be a difference in someone with the ability to design a bow and someone who can build that bows design.

Maybe we're also not understanding each other's meaning of "beginner". And that in of itself is a pretty generic term. I consider myself a beginner bow maker, but I have the skill set to execute the building aspect (from a woodworking perspective) that can be put on paper. I've built several of the bows you are calling "good enough". I'm looking for that improvement we're talking about.


Offline RyanY

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2021, 10:57:06 am »
To me “it can’t get any better” means perfection for that piece of wood. I don’t know how you can expect to get there by distilling down concepts. The specific measurements and “standards” your asking for can’t be obtained simply that I can tell. How else are we supposed to get these “standards”? If you built a fast bow that you thought was near perfection, if you didn’t understand why then you can’t even make the claim that it can’t get any better. We have to understand the mechanics, physics, science, maths, etc. to know that it is as good as it can get.

Offline Don W

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2021, 11:06:55 am »
To me “it can’t get any better” means perfection for that piece of wood. I don’t know how you can expect to get there by distilling down concepts. The specific measurements and “standards” your asking for can’t be obtained simply that I can tell. How else are we supposed to get these “standards”? If you built a fast bow that you thought was near perfection, if you didn’t understand why then you can’t even make the claim that it can’t get any better. We have to understand the mechanics, physics, science, maths, etc. to know that it is as good as it can get.

Define "we"

Someone needs to understand it. The guy building the bow doesn't. I've built structures way beyond my ability to engineer or architect it. I believe I can do the same with a bow. Maybe I'm wrong, I've been wrong before, but I will need to understand how I'm wrong to believe it.

If I can take the spec's you gave and build a "good enough" bow, I just need better spec's to build a better bow.

Maybe "as good as the piece of wood allows" is a stretch, but we won't know unless we just stop getting better.

Offline RyanY

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2021, 11:15:01 am »
It sounds like you want something you can plug dimensions into and it’ll give you the exact tiller shape you need for maximum efficiency. Sure, maybe you don’t need to be the one to design this formula but you’re not going to find it here. Even using something like David Dewey’s bow design spreadsheet is far outside the reach of the beginner. As far as I’m aware we’re still trying to understand what would make any given bow as efficient as possible so those spreadsheets likely aren’t complete. To even use something like that accurately you’d need to take specific measurements of your piece of wood to know it’s properties to plug into the sheet. Is that something you’re interested in doing?

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2021, 11:24:36 am »
I don't really want to get drawn into this thread, but I was trying to follow it.
The first line with an "=" in it has confused me.
"Taper from starting width = limb movement/tip movement x fade width"
I don't understand what  "taper from starting width" means?
Does it mean:-
Percentage change in width at some point "d" from the width at the root of the limb (root being the widest point)
Or is it a change in width per unit length of limb?
It just doesn't make sense to me.
Also to the right of the equals sign is that
(limb movement/tip movement)/ fade width
limb movement / (tip movement/fade width)

I think, if we are to follow the thread, then it need to be laid out in a conventional mathematical manner, ideally replacing some of the words by letters to make it more understandable.
(I'm trying to be helpful here)
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Offline Digital Caveman

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2021, 11:29:03 am »
I've been thinking about the math necessary to model the strains and mass movement/efficiency of even a very simple circular tillered ALB, and it seems to involve multiple differential equations and other calculus in statics and dynamics, not to mention needing empirical data from the wood itself, such as the stress strain relation for the specific piece of wood.  That design may work out ok, but if the cross section of the bow is not rectangular, or worse if it gradually varies, and if the bow is sinew backed or Perry reflexed, the math will get really ugly.  Not necessarily impossible though.

The drawings make a lot of sense to me, and I will be trying that in my next bow. 
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Offline RyanY

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2021, 11:48:32 am »
I don't really want to get drawn into this thread, but I was trying to follow it.
The first line with an "=" in it has confused me.
"Taper from starting width = limb movement/tip movement x fade width"
I don't understand what  "taper from starting width" means?
Does it mean:-
Percentage change in width at some point "d" from the width at the root of the limb (root being the widest point)
Or is it a change in width per unit length of limb?
It just doesn't make sense to me.
Also to the right of the equals sign is that
(limb movement/tip movement)/ fade width
limb movement / (tip movement/fade width)

I think, if we are to follow the thread, then it need to be laid out in a conventional mathematical manner, ideally replacing some of the words by letters to make it more understandable.
(I'm trying to be helpful here)

Good point Del. I knew that this was a confusing point but I was unsure how to make it clearer without being super wordy. Here’s the wordy explanation of the variables.

Taper from starting width: how much the bow narrows in width from the width at the fade. If the fade width is 2” and the formula comes up with 0.5” then the bow would be narrowed to 1.5” at that part of the limb.

Limb movement/tip movement: the distance any point on the limb moves from unbraced to full draw. For example the tip may have to travel a distance of 15” for a 28” draw. Mid limb of the same bow may have to travel 5” from unbraced to full draw.

Fade width is self explanatory as this model assumes that the fade is the widest portion of the bow limb.

I hesitate to use specific letters or characters for this since many of them are already defined. So how bout this?

 :-D = ( :G/ (-_) ) x  (B)                                ;D

Offline Don W

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Re: Mass movement, tiller shape, and width profile
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2021, 11:51:10 am »
It sounds like you want something you can plug dimensions into and it’ll give you the exact tiller shape you need for maximum efficiency. Sure, maybe you don’t need to be the one to design this formula but you’re not going to find it here. Even using something like David Dewey’s bow design spreadsheet is far outside the reach of the beginner. As far as I’m aware we’re still trying to understand what would make any given bow as efficient as possible so those spreadsheets likely aren’t complete. To even use something like that accurately you’d need to take specific measurements of your piece of wood to know it’s properties to plug into the sheet. Is that something you’re interested in doing?

I think you need to open your mind a little. Try not to focus on a path. I'm not convinced the complete answer isn't spread out in multiple places in this site or in the heads of the participants. I believe It's going to be a combination of process and calculations.

No set tillering helps, but the process has not been refined and the numbers don't even match with TBB articles and examples, so a revision there would be a start.

Moisture content opinions are all over the board. It's going to get complicated here, because it's likely to vary from specie and possibly even location, so assumptions will be needed.

IMO, it's never going to be all math. Take a stick and over bend it, it doesn't matter how precise you are with your calipers. It's and extreme example of process requirements, but I hope you get the idea.

I Invision a step by step. Step 1, cut a 68" stave, step 2 market x" for handle, step 3 at 1" mark it 1.88" wide, at 2" mark it 1.86" wide, etc.

Start with one bow that has been made that's efficient and build off it. A "team" of us working together could pull it off. It's how we work in the technology field and it works

By "work off it" reverse engineer it. Build another. Try improvements. Document what works and what doesn't.

This is how Tim baker and team got us this far, we just need to pick up where they left off  and we have much better technology for the team work