I used this some time ago (and even submitted patches
) but only for selfbows. I have no interest in laminates, but that's it's real strong area.
The units are from an engineering/math perspective - so metric.
First in the "profile" you need to specify the length of one limb in meters (eg. 0.8 ). Here you can add curvature specified at locations along the limb. eg. for reflex in the limbs or for relexed tips. (the curvature is in 1/m )
For the "width", you need to specify the location of each point relative to the length of the profile.
0 is the beginning of the limb, at the handle, 1 is the tip of the bow - nock point really.
(the default bow has 0.06 at 0.0, which is 6cm or about 2 3/8 inch at the handle, and 0.01 at 1.0, which is about 3/8 inch at the tip)
For the "layers", you need to specify the location of each point relative to the length of the profile again.
(the default bow has 0.015 at 0.0, which is 1.5cm or about 5/8 inch at the handle, and 0.01 at 1.0, which is about 3/8 inch at the tip)