I was enjoying a cooling beverage while in camp at the NMLRA Spring shoot last Friday when a woman, eyeing my Archery Gear, asked if I wanted to buy some Osage Orange. Of course I said yes. She drove up to my camp with SUV full of OA. Said she'd cut it last year. They were all sizes and branches. I bought two 4" logs for $40 each. The logs had not been painted on the ends and they were about 6' long. She also threw in two 5' long branches about 2" wide.
Got them home, threw them on the patio and commenced to unload and unpack the truck. One of the 4" logs had a bad case of Powder Post Beetles. So now I have one $80 4" log and two 2" branches.
I split the 4" log, it split cleanly to the center of the log with no runout. Peeled off the bark, painted the ends and stored in my Air Conditioned basement. One 2" branch split to the center but with a 1/3 and 2/3 split. In peeling off the bark I found signs that the 4" piece spent some time on the ground and I have black stain on part of the wood.
So what's next. I think my options are:
1 - cut the log halves in half again on my bandsaw to get 4 staves
2 - let them dry until this Winter
3 - turn the one with powder post beetles into firewood
4 - turn the 5' long branches into either kids bows or Horse Indian bows.
5 - Sudbury bow or Holmegren bow
I built 14 bows this last Covid Winter. 12 board bows and two Hickory Bows. I'm not sure if I'm ready to tackle Osage Orange yet but here I go. Just want to know what I'm missing, and free advice.