Main Discussion Area > English Warbow

English Yew Warbow

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Del the cat:
Just got a very challenging bow back to 110# @ 30.5"
It's English Yew, but oddly had a tiny bit of bug damage on the surface of the sapwood at one point (I've not seen that on UK Yew before).
It needs finishing, but it was a bit nerve wracking to get it back this far!
Here's video of it coming back on the tiller

Oh lordie! That knot gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Fascinating character in this one, sir! She's a wild looking bow.

Nice work Del

Ruddy Darter:
Very nice Del, good to see an English yew character warbow 8)


All of the above!  I would need a winch and crank to draw 110#!and a doctor to refit my shoulders!


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