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Asiatic Composite Build-Along

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tom sawyer:
Sorry about the partial nudity, it was late when I remembered to take the photos.

Just messin' with ya Lennie. Say...did you use epoxy for the wood/horn bond. If so why did you choose it over Urac? I have a little project going... ;D


tom sawyer:
I used resorcinol on this bow, URAC would work too.  I've used them both for backed bows and consider them to be equivalent.  Both have gap-filling properties thanks to wood-flour in the catalyst, they are strong and flexible, and don't shrink as they set up.  I was worried about strength since I was piecing together the horn belly, thats why I didn't go authentic with hide glue for this first run.  I actually managed a pretty good fit between the horn pieces and the core so I wasn't looking at having to fill large gaps.

You already knew about the glues, I was throwing that out for the others.

Thanks bud!  I will give the Urac a shot. I've never done a bow with horn. This should be fun.




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