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Asiatic Composite Build-Along

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tom sawyer:
I'm hoping for the best, got 2-ton epoxy in there pretty good and a nice thick sinew wrap.  I'll weaken the midlimb area a bit and hopefully that'll take some of the pressure off the fade area.

I got a tip from Adam Karpowicz, to reduce mass in my siyahs.  If I cut the nocks an inch closer, I'd lose the better part of an inch of reflex.  But I'd gain from having less mass and a little more poundage to play with in tillering.  I'm not that close to being at a 90 degree styring angle at my draw, although if I were to draw to my ear I might just about get there.  Anyway, I'm considering this option while the sinew wrap dries.  The walnut siyahs aren't that heavy but they are somewhat exaggerated compared to most authentic bow designs (I think).

In fact, does anybody know if this bow looks like any of the standard ethnic designs?  So I can call it that?  The siyahs are too long for Turkish, nothing like a Korean, maybe a Chinese?  The Chinese bows have long siyahs but at more of an angle, with pads for the string to lie on the bow at the knee of the siyah.  I think this bow is most like a Magyar (Hungarian) in terms of siyah length and angle of braced bow.  Might lack a bit of reflex but otherwise it seems to be the best fit.  This is how I brew beer too, throw stuff together and then classify it after I taste it.

Lennie, Mini Magyar is the  classification for this one.    Pat

tom sawyer:
True, I'm an inch or two short in siyahs, working limb and handle area.  And I don't have the reflex of the genuine bows, more like the profile of the reconstructions of Fabian Gyula (sp?).  Probably for the best, if I had much more reflex I'd likely be having more trouble with twisting of the limbs, as one of my siyahs isn't lined up quite as well as it should be.  I'll pay more attention to that on my next one.

Mini-Mag seems like a good name, if the bow survives the next week or so.

The sinew wraps are drying out quickly, the RH is low right now.  I've been fondling the bow nightly, can't wait to fine-tune the tiller and finish it up.

I've been watching from the start and this has been a fascinating project, I always wondered how these bows were constructed. thats quite an accomplishment you've made.
Can't wait to see the finished product.

tom sawyer:
I couldn't stand it, I had to string the bow this morning.  The tiller looked very even (1/8" positive), the poundage is at 60lb@27", I shot it a few times and it is performing well.

I have to do some prettying of the bow now.  A little sanding and polishing on the horn, gluing some silk on the back, sanding the siyahs and finishing them.  Some sort of handle wrap.  Then it'll be done.


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