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Asiatic Composite Build-Along

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Should be interesting, hope she turns out to be a shooter for ya. I tried a turkish bow awhile back, I may have to try again.

tom sawyer:
How'd that bow come out?  Was it horn belly, sinew back?

I'm worried about the bamboo core on mine.  And I noticed that one of the two siyahs, isn't aligned perfectly with the core.  Its not off center much, but it will probably be a challenge to keep the bow from twisting.  I don't know if I glued the siyah that way, or maybe the horn pulled the one limb slightly to the side.

No progress on the bow tonight.

tom sawyer:
Sorted sinew by length today, and combed the ends of each bundle with a dog comb.  That should make it somewhat smoother.  I will probably not sinew tonight, I have to prep some more horn for the v-splice area, and a piece of wood for the belly side of the handle.  Then I'll be ready to sinew.

Tom I really like what you are doing with this. Really great stuff.

One thing about these bows I enjoy is that is teaches patience. With a capital P. For someone like me that is very good training. Tonight I am working on a Sythian style bow and I had done alot of ADD short-cutting. So I just got done stripping off all the sinew (it was still wet beneath the wrapping) and the boo, set it all aside and will begin again latter when everyones in bed. I really want to begin making some beauties.

Keep up the good work. Its great seeing someone else interested in this.

tom sawyer:
Yeah Thimo, I'm wanting to speed through this but there are many details to attend to.  This is going to be great practice before I make a real bow using only traditional materials.

Tonight, all I could do was to put some thin walnut strips under the v-splice to reinforce them, and I made a handle piece by heat bending a strip of osage.  I glued it on and there was a slight gap that was irregularly shaped, so I shoved a wedge of osage in there to fill the space.

Once the glue is dry, I'll cut off the excess wood and then I'm ready to sinew.  Finally.

I have a couple more pics of the handle piece and splice covers, in the photobucket link above.  Nothing real interesting, just another step.


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