That's very handsome... looks as though the lower limb is a whisker longer than the upper?... (or at least, it isn't shorter, as is generally the case).
I've made a few LLL (longer lower limb
) bows and found they seem to perform well... I think it's all to easy to follow the coneventiona wisdom and have the grip mostly below centre.
That apple wood looks good, a bit pear 
Yes sharp observation! To be honest I don't know how this happened... The difference in length is more than I'd usually make it.. but oh well lol
am I blind or is that extreme violations on the back ?.. bow looks killer.. great job...check out them apples...!!! gut
You are blind

Haha no I forgot to mention that: It's the cambium which is virtually a stack of many paper thin layers. The bark came off when I started to bend it, but this violated cambium pattern would look really cool I thought. Thanks for your kind words!