Well, I finished tweaking the tiller and put a few dozen arrows through it. I love the way this thing shoots--no hand shock at all, and really moves the arrows with some authority. At 10 yards, it's putting a 600 grain arrow about 8" into my block target and knocking it off the table! I really like the way it looks too. I'll have a few questions about my next design, as this one has lost almost all its reflex, which means the limbs are overstrained. Not sure what I did wrong there.
Final tiller was 43# @ 27". So, I'm disappointed that I missed weight, but really happy otherwise.
so then when your in the field and draw it to 26,, and kill the elk at 45#,, then what,, 
...draw it to 29 and call it good,,
Then I must turn myself in to Game and Fish and throw myself on the mercy of the friendly local warden.

But yeah, that's why it's kind of a dumb rule. I think it's just an easy way to keep morons from hunting elk with kiddie bows. I've never had a game warden stop and check my bow weight.
This one shoots like an elk bow, and with the kind of penetration it's giving me on the target, it would definitely do the job. I'm going to try to get another one done before summer's out, just because I really want one to come in at the weight I want. But this one looks great, shoots great, and taught me a lot...so I'll call it a success! Thanks for all the help.