I have been using a modified sander to grind my lams. The curved piece of plywood added to the side is to stiffen up that roller section and keep it parallel at all times.
I had tried using a bolt at one end of the piece of plywood attached to a hinge to raise and lower the thickness, but the plywood isn’t stiff enough, so it creates a bow and this was leading to poor lams.
I now simply add spacers under the lam I am grinding to adjust the thickness. I do tapers by supergluing the lam to a tapered lam and running it through the machine and then separating the glue. It works ok ... but sometimes you get a few waves/ dips/ half rounds...
I am now wondering if there would be any down side to adding a fitting to allow one to pass the lams over the top/ flat part of the sander.
I was thinking if one bolted a roller where I am holding the ruler, I might not get the divits that I sometimes get now because you are grinding the lams on a larger flatter surface?