You will lose most of your reflex. If you end up even to 1.5 inches of reflex take it. I sinew back bows when stave backs are bad . Rather than de crowning ,and backing which I have done in the past with Bamboo, or Hickory I just reflex, and sinew, and use TB3. I just finished a 45lb sinew backed 60 inch Osage recently using TB3 that ended up with 1 inch of reflex with slightly flipped tips. Shooting a 10 GPP arrow , or a 450 gr arrow at 25 inches of draw through a chrony the average speed was 153 fps. I know for a fact if I had sinew backed that same bow with hide glue I could have gotten more reflex, and better speed, but 153 fps with a 450 gr. arrow at a reasonable range will dispatch a white tail no problem. I used one thick layer of sinew, and an 8 strand low stretch string. My bows have non working risers. Your bow, your choice.