So, I need to liquidate/dispose of a fair portion of my supplies. I have several clean ash staves, some fun looking HHB seasoned and fairly fresh cut, a clean straight deflexed elm stave, other staves, some cow horn, sheep leather, lots of clean pine for arrows, and other stuff. The heat tempered HHB 60" bow I posted a last winter is also up for grabs.
I also have arrowheads, pine pitch, glass beads, turkey secondaries, Dacron, antler tines, and a few extra PA back issues from the past few years, but this stuff doesn't have to go.
I am looking for useful stuff with a lot of value per weight. Furs included. PM me with your email and I can send photos.
P.s. There are also 2 pints of EA 40 I got from 3rivers last February